what you need to know about surveying in marin county

what you need to know about surveying in marin county

record map index

Thanks to the efforts of Marin County Public Works to provide the information and our good friend David Contreras to catalog recorded maps, maps under review, corner records, certificates of correction, etc. This document is of the utmost importance to aid in diligent research in Marin County as every map that exists is rarely listed on the assessor maps or other documents. The Record Map Index is an excel spreadsheet organized which lists map information that has been supplied by Marin County. 

Please contact the Chapter Secretary, Josh Woelbing at JoshW@cswst2.com for further details and/or requesting to subscribe to the Record Map Index

what you need to know about surveying in marin county

the anne t. kent marin county free library

The Marin Free Library is a massive collection of unrecord Survey records of properties all over Marin County by J.C. Oglesby, Richardson, Dodge, Voorhies, Engineered Field Services, Joe Grippi, etc that were performed between the late 1800s to the late 1900s. This priceless archive on information is the result of collaborative efforts by CLSA Marin Chapter, Marin County and Bill Schroeder. The CLSA Marin Chapter (thank you for the donations) and County of Marin funded the purchase of the private records. 

Records are available online here: http://contentdm.marinlibrary.org/digital/

Assessor Parcel Map Index here: http://contentdm.marinlibrary.org/digital/collection/p17213coll11

Oglesby Order books here: http://contentdm.marinlibrary.org/digital/collection/p17213coll24/search

…and more. See first link for additional details on Richardson order books, maps, Engineering Field Services, etc.


what you need to know about surveying in marin county

unrecorded maps in private holdings

Although Marin County and CLSA has made great progress with the Marin Free Library there are still more records out there under private ownership. Please click here to download a PDF showing who currently owns or is active custodian of past surveyors records. This list contains previous Licensed Land Surveyors and Pre 1982 Engineers, who surveyed in Marin County over the last 100+ years. 

If you are having trouble contacting a surveyor in this list or records from a particular surveyor or engineer that worked in Marin please contact a CLSA officer and they will happily help out.


marin county links

Marin County Surveyor’s website Click Here

Marin County Record of Survey Checklist Click Here

Marin County Corner Record Checklist Click Here

Marin County Lot Line Adjustment Click Here

Map Check Fees as of September 5, 2016  Click Here

Assessor/Recording Fees Click Here

Marin County Corner Records Click Here

Marin Map (GIS and Orthophoto information) Click Here


OTHER USEFUL survey related LINKS


Attorney General opinion of Record of Survey recording fees (Gov Code section 27388.1) CLICK HERE

Fillable Corner Record Form CLICK HERE

Interested in being a Land Surveyor? CLICK HERE

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